Welcome at C.E.E.C

Certification, Expertise, and Evaluation and Centre (Centre d'Expertise, d'Evaluation et de Certification) of precious and semi-precious mineral substances, established by the Ministry of Mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Présidence de la République
Ministère des Mines
Secretariat Général


The Center for Expertise, Evaluation and Certification of Precious and Semi-Precious Mineral Substances is the Certification Authority for mineral substances in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Established by Decree number 09/57 of December 3, 2009, the Center for Expertise, Evaluation and Certification of Precious and Semi-Precious Mineral Substances (CEEC) is a Public Service of a technical nature of the Ministry of Mines. Born from the ashes of the National Center of Experts "CNE", it is the result of the liberalization of the exploitation, possession and marketing of mineral substances produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It should be noted that the CEEC supervises mineral substances of different sectors. It controls the quantity and quality and then determines the value of batches of materials intended for export.

In June 2011, the CEEC became a Public Establishment by Decree number 011/28 of 07/06/2011 establishing the statutes of a Public Establishment. Precious and semi-precious materials in general and diamonds in particular constitute one of the main riches of the DRC. They are exploited and channeled towards the official circuit for the benefit of mining operators, the local population and the Congolese State.

As such, the CEEC has the power or legal competence over all mechanisms, procedures and processes aimed at establishing the nature, physical and/or chemical characteristics, origin and legal and licit provenance of mineral substances, in accordance with national, regional and international standards in this area, taking into account both the monitoring and traceability of mineral substances throughout the supply chain.

Legal Framework

Central Office - Headquarters

The CEEC enjoys administrative and financial autonomy. It is headed by a general director, assisted by a deputy general director. It also includes central directorates. Its work is relayed in the provinces by provincial directorates, branches and auxiliary offices. The CEEC works in partnership with approved counters, mining companies and processing entities.



In accordance with Article 1 quater of Law No. 007/2002 of July 11, 2002 on the Mining Code as amended and supplemented by Law No. 18/001 of March 9, 2018, certification is defined as the set of mechanisms, procedures and processes aimed at establishing the nature, physical and chemical characteristics, origin and legal and licit provenance of mineral substances, in accordance with national, regional and international standards in this area, taking into account both the monitoring and traceability of mineral substances throughout the supply chain.


Laws and decrees to download.

Fraud Alert

Mining fraud is one of the factors that promote the financing of armed groups and armed conflicts. Another category of fraud is found in scams associated with the trade of minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

We advise you to conduct due diligence before engaging in mineral transactions. The CEEC continues to develop systems that minimize this type of fraud and scams.

Obtaining sufficient and timely information helps investors avoid falling into the traps set by fraudsters.


For reasons of traceability, the CEEC via the central government has established Certificates to precisely identify the mines from which the minerals come and the movements of these minarais in the region as well as internationally.


Documentation Provided:

  • Certificate of Origin.
  • ICGLR/DRC Certificate.
  • Kimberley Process Certificate.
  • Certificate of origin of customs facilitation / DGDA (Optional), under request from the exporter to benefit advantages in certain importing countries in accordance with the international trade conventions to which the DRC's DGDA has signed.
  • Metal Clearance Certificate (in collaboration with the MONUSCO).

Taxes, duties, taxes and fees payable:

  • Compensatory tax at CEEC, CTCPM, DGDA, DGRAD, OCC, SAESSCAM, CGEA;
  • Counter value of the Kimberley Certificate and / or the CIRGL / DRC Certificate to CEEC;
  • Flat-rate tax at SAESSCAM (Small Mine) at the Directorate General of Taxes;


Certificat d'Origine Certificat CIRGL Certificat Processus Kimberley Certificat Dédouanement Final


Work Structure

The CEEC according to its statutes includes the following bodies:

The Board of Directors;
The General Management;
The Board of Auditors.
The CEEC is placed under the supervision of the Minister having Mines in his attributions and exercises his supervisory prerogatives on the acts of the management bodies by prior authorization and approval or opposition.


Chairman of the Board of Directors "PCA"

“…Today, wearing the tunic of certification authority, the CEEC needs more than ever experienced and dedicated staff to carry out its missions, particularly with a view to providing satisfactory support to the chemical analysis laboratories that are currently being installed.”


Director General "DG"

"The CEEC, in its capacity as the Certification Authority for Mineral Substances in the DRC, reiterates its commitment to work hard for better supervision of the mining sector in order to contribute effectively to combating the illegal exploitation, marketing and export of mineral resources in the DRC..."


Deputy Director General "DGA"

"Professional conscience is required in order to achieve the objective of stable revenues of the center and the implementation of ultra-modern laboratories for chemical analysis of commercial mining products throughout the DRC."

Central Directorate and Provincial Directorates.

The Board of Auditors.

Each Central Directorate is composed of the Central Divisions and Services, and each Provincial Directorate is composed of the Antennas and Auxiliary Offices according to the importance of each of them. There are also External Representations abroad.

Value of Minerals

Many important metals are traded on public exchanges. These include the New York Mercantile Commodity Exchange (COMEX) and the London Metal Exchange (LME). Other metals are bought and sold directly through the offices of metal producers, at prices set by the producers or related trade associations.

Less common metals or those with specialized uses may not be publicly traded at all, but require direct, private agreements with the metal producer.

For popular metals, many markets offer futures and options contracts that allow market participants to reduce the potential volatility in the price of their metal supply. These instruments also give speculators the opportunity to profit from unexpected price swings and volatility in metal markets.

Our prices are daily spot and/or closing prices collected from a variety of public sources and provide a daily snapshot of the price of a particular metal. Metal prices may be delayed up to one business day and may not represent actual retail rates for the metal or material in question.

Today's Value:

Frequently Asked Questions

To better serve you, we provide the public with useful links. These links will help you access the various portals that are sources of information for miners and investors in the mining sector of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Contact Us

We are reachable on the following address:


N°3989 Avenue des Cliniques, Gombe, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Calls and Whatsapp:

+243 823 957 890

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